Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So lets talk about electricity this part we will talk about Disel or Bensin Generators.

So there are many generators what to buy?

First what should you get Disel or Bensin

So if you choose Disel then the disel generators are expensiver ,but you can make bio disel you self[I will talk about this later].So benzin generators are cheaper but what happens when your fuel reserves are empty.

How big generator i should buy 1000W ,5000W,1kW


It really depends how you will use it?

You need to calculate how much Kw you need

So if you are for Doomsday i think you should't need Tv,only radio, but if you want TV then you should get many Movies to watch.

So lets calculate [Keep in mide that if that thing will take approx 2times more Watts when you just start them

TV-It depends if you have older tv,Plasma,Or led

Led TV-150watt max when it just starts

Plasma-300W max

Older TV-That really depends you need to test.

refrigerator - Depends on size but- 100W maybe.

Lamp if you have 150Wspotlight then 150W, but small lamps take about 50W  every lamp., it depends .

Water Pump-There are many out some work on 12 Battery , but 20-50W for small pump.

Water heater-approx 200W

This are the main thing i think, you can comment for more items.

These aren't  correct calculations they are estimated,some are tested  out by me.

You could just invest 200Dollars more and you can connect you house Grid,that means that all you thing in house will work.

More posts Tommorow.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Nuclear disaster

                                               NEW POSTS EVERYDAY

So let's talk about safety , we have talk about gas mask , and we will talk about electricity.

Chemical suits, if there biological or nuclear attack or accident then you need chemical suits and Dosimeter.

The dosimeter detecteds radiation so it's very important , but they are expensive

So chemical suits aren't so needed but it dosen't make bad if you have, and those are cheap.
and you should need gloves too
So you should look like this 

Thanks for reading more posts coming about electricity  like Solar,generator and more,

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nuclear prepping

Gas mask.

So what gas mask you should use ?

There are many of them out like

Nato gas mask are comfortable and stable and new so they are good, but the price is very high about 100 dollars or more.

Gp5 ,Russia gas mask are old and not so comfortable , but the price is max 10dollars, i got one for 2dollars, it's cheap only you need to look if it isn't broken any where.

The gas mask filters are also very important , i suggest  you to buy NATO gas mask filter the filters need to be new and not used, never open it if to needed they can expire too.

so next post will be talking more about safety like chemical suits and gloves.!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nuclear prepping

hi again sorry i haven't posted anything for a week.

So lets talk more about nuclear prepping,so with nuclear explosion can happen EMP electromagnet pulse, what kill every thing what working on electricity so no use of cars,computer,generators,you can prevent it by having big metal box, shipping container is very good because it's big and you can put there everything you need,Emp can occur if the bomb is exploded over atmospheric

So this area will be effected if the bomb is exploded on atmospheric, and if the all electricity is gone then
 It take about 2-3 years to get everything to get grid up and running with EMP , the nuclear plant will be not working and the safety measures will not work and plant will be overheated, besides that the radioactive dust  will affect the are too.

Thanks for reading more of this coming soon!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nuclear prepping

So the main things you should have for nuclear disaster.

Gas mask for whole family and few extra if something broke down.

Gas mask filter 6 filter for every gas mask 1 filter can last up to 40 hours.

Food water shelter

Food and water supply under ground with isolation that the radioactive dust can't get in, basement is good place because it's ready for use and only needs isolation or if you don't have basement you just could make isolated big box like fridge , you can use fridge,but it's heavy if you want to move it, but still freezer is very good place where to hold food and water.

If you live on you house then you can build underground shelter so you can choose 2 options

Option 1

You dig you own big hole for you family do the construction work with every thing you need for that.

Option 2 

Order someone to build or just buy shipping container like this guy:

Thanks for reading more coming soon !

Friday, July 20, 2012

What i have talk on this blog

So what i have talk in this blog.

Nuclear disaster [beginning] 

Home Food prepping

Bug out bag or just survival bag [B.O.B]

Home Water prepping

Surviving in the woods shelter

What to take if you go to wild top 10 things

Surviving in the woods [food]

Surviving in the woods [water]

Nuclear disaster

Now we have talked about basic prepping and other things now let's take new topic about nuclear disaster .

How to  prepare  for this ,what to prepare .

So the first thing what we are going to talk is basic prepping for this  1-4 weeks in the radioactive area or just few days until you can safely evac with out people trying to kill you because you have the protective suit and gas masks and food.

Next post soon!

So let's talk about Home food prepping

So the food is one of the valued things when the crises hits,so lets talk about the basic things you food must contain various vitamins like A- for eyes B-For brain.

So the rice and brown rice are very good because rice contains vitamins K , E , B, vitamin K is good for your blood

and for strong bones and you need protein and carbs for life, without protein your muscles are going weaker and stop 
working really fast and many people forget some extra things like salt ketchup to make food good and you should 
store food that you eat and your family or group eats ! You should have a cooking place too when you don't have 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bug out bag or just survival bag.

Let's talk about Bob  and what should you put in it and what backpack to buy.

So let's search ebay, usually  there's good stuff, so here some good things


Myself i am using US army bag.

It's very good and big, every thing fit's there

Sleeping bag , 3days of food and water, and other needed things.,

So Bug out bag must contain

Food , water and some water filers or purification pills

a little shovelaxesaw like in this picture 

Then first aid kit , 

Now some basic gear 

Fire - Waterproof matches , little bit of benzin [Zippo fuel] that get's the fire going really fast.

Now you have fire you need to cook food somewhere best thing hobo stove , i talk about this in my last posts.Some pot where you can put your food with to cook.

Now you need some light some flashlight with some extra batteries, or the best if you have solar powder batteries charged flashlight

Now Radio is good thing and with extra batteries and if you are with multiple people then you should have 
Walkie-talkie .
.And few knives don't do bad or some extra clothes and hand sanitizer
and few games for not getting bored.

EXTRA:And Gas mask can be very helpful too.

So these are the main things to have in B.O.B.

Thank you for reading!

Doomsday preppers Serials [movie]

So i am uploading Doomsday preppers serial on the youtube

Look out them at my channel Youtube

Doomsday preppers how maker is Nat Geo preppers homepage is here

Thank you.

So let's talk about Home water prepping

So you want to prepp water then read this

first easy way is to just put water into plastic bottel you have at home

It's easiest way but it's has - sides, because if you hold water there about 1 year then it starts to separate chemical into water, and it's not safe to drink it .You need to buy the food safe plastic, but that's more expensive.

The best way to store water in you home is this big stainless water tank [1000gal]

But if you have big water bills and huge price of water in your area, then you should make  your own rainwater collector of you roof .

Pictures:This is more advanced thing

Easier way.

Tip:IF you are collecting rain water you need some water filtering system

New topic "Doomsday"

You now the Word ending things, etc nuclear disaster or war , EMP [electromagnetic wave what kills all
[electronics] and economic disaster , diseases . So these topics i am going to talk about and about Home prepping.

Surviving in the woods [Shelter]

Shelter is one of the main and important things in surviving , so easiest way is to buy tent , but what if you don't have tent then you need to make your self a shelter, you need to find place near the water, etc river.

Then look good place where to build, the best thing is if you could make it on the trees or above the ground, you should make shelter of anything you find like and sticks ,bigger sticks, leaves,   branches , anything you find and the place shouldn't be big only for your size but you need to make a little place that you don't fall on the ground when sleeping.

Or you should make shelter on ground , try to make a little hole or find hole fill it with leaves that the ground is soft and warmer, or if you have sleeping bag then it's best, now try to make a tent over like a roof put there some sticks branches and cover with leaves or some mud 
Some pictures 

Thank you for reading.

Survivinging the woods main things to take with you.

So let's talk about main things to take with you when you go to the wild.

1.Water or water filter water purification


3.Shelter making plan or tent or sleeping bag

4.Some things to make fire, Some good things are water proof matches and fuel, and hobo stove.


6.some batteries

7.Some knives

8.Some extra clothes.

9.Phone , radio

10.Map or gps .

Surviving in the woods [Food]

Let's talk about  food in the woods, so the easiest way is do buy MRE[meal what is ready to eat without cooking or cooking there are diffident.

But if you are prepping the easiest food is some canned foods and rice, but you need water and some heating system like hobo stove

Hobo stove is self made camping stove some pictures :

but what if you are out of food and you are hungry you can get some berries and you can get fish too if you have can buy some fishing tools or make it something i really don't know hot to do this but look this video:

Thank you for reading , next part is shelter!

Surviving in the woods. [Water]

So let's begin with some basic prepping and at the end let'z go do advanced !

So first important things are water food shelter


So if you are prepping water then you need to calculate how much you need for 72hours [3days]

So the minimum is 1 liter per person, but the best is 2 liters per person.If you prepping water in bottles that's not good because if the water stays in bottle for few month it starts to separate chemicals into water, so you need to buy Food safe plastic bottles.

Now you have your water, but what is your water storage is running dry , you need to collect water,
collecting water is easy when you find any river or pond, but with this water you can only wash your self, 
It's not really safe to drink this but if it it's needed then do it, but the other way is to buy some water purification 
tablets or filter.

So if you don't have filter with you in the woods or anywhere , you can make filter, of moss and some gravel and sand , so you can make a similar to biosand filter.

Learn about biosand filter here Wikipedia

Now you learn basic of water purification, filtering and collecting

Next phases are Food and shelter and prepping at home!