Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So lets talk about electricity this part we will talk about Disel or Bensin Generators.

So there are many generators what to buy?

First what should you get Disel or Bensin

So if you choose Disel then the disel generators are expensiver ,but you can make bio disel you self[I will talk about this later].So benzin generators are cheaper but what happens when your fuel reserves are empty.

How big generator i should buy 1000W ,5000W,1kW


It really depends how you will use it?

You need to calculate how much Kw you need

So if you are for Doomsday i think you should't need Tv,only radio, but if you want TV then you should get many Movies to watch.

So lets calculate [Keep in mide that if that thing will take approx 2times more Watts when you just start them

TV-It depends if you have older tv,Plasma,Or led

Led TV-150watt max when it just starts

Plasma-300W max

Older TV-That really depends you need to test.

refrigerator - Depends on size but- 100W maybe.

Lamp if you have 150Wspotlight then 150W, but small lamps take about 50W  every lamp., it depends .

Water Pump-There are many out some work on 12 Battery , but 20-50W for small pump.

Water heater-approx 200W

This are the main thing i think, you can comment for more items.

These aren't  correct calculations they are estimated,some are tested  out by me.

You could just invest 200Dollars more and you can connect you house Grid,that means that all you thing in house will work.

More posts Tommorow.

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